@extends('admin.layouts.app') @section('panel')
  • @lang('Online User Registration')

    @lang('If this module is disabled, none can get registered on this system online.')

    registration) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Branch User Registration')

    @lang('If this module is disabled, none can get registered on this system from a branch.')

    branch_create_user) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Force SSL')

    @lang('By enabling') @lang('Force SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)') @lang('the system will force a visitor that he/she must have to visit in secure mode. Otherwise, the site will be loaded in secure mode.')

    force_ssl) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Agree Policy')

    @lang('If you enable this module, that means a user must have to agree with your system\'s') @can('admin.frontend.sections') @lang('policies') @else @lang('policies') @endcan @lang('during registration.')

    agree) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Force Secure Password')

    @lang('By enabling this module, a user must set a secure password while signing up or changing the password.')

    secure_password) checked @endif>
  • @lang('KYC Verification')

    @lang('If you enable') @lang('KYC (Know Your Client)') @lang('module, users must have to submit') @can('admin.kyc.setting') @lang('the required data') @else @lang('the required data') @endcan . @lang('Otherwise, any money out transaction will be prevented by this system.')

    kv) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Email Verification')

    @lang('If you enable') @lang('Email Verification'), @lang('users have to verify their email to access the dashboard. A 6-digit verification code will be sent to their email to be verified.')
    @lang('Note'): @lang('Make sure that the') @lang('Email Notification') @lang('module is enabled')

    ev) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Email Notification')

    @lang('If you enable this module, the system will send emails to users where needed. Otherwise, no email will be sent.') @lang('So be sure before disabling this module that, the system doesn\'t need to send any emails.')

    en) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Mobile Verification')

    @lang('If you enable') @lang('Mobile Verification'), @lang('users have to verify their mobile to access the dashboard. A 6-digit verification code will be sent to their mobile to be verified.')
    @lang('Note'): @lang('Make sure that the') @lang('SMS Notification') @lang('module is enabled')

    sv) checked @endif>
  • @lang('SMS Notification')

    @lang('If you enable this module, the system will send SMS to users where needed. Otherwise, no SMS will be sent.') @lang('So be sure before disabling this module that, the system doesn\'t need to send any SMS.')

    sn) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Language Option')

    @lang('If you enable this module, users can change the language according to their needs')

    multi_language) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Deposit')

    @lang("Here you can enable/disable the deposit module. After disabling this module user can't deposit money on your system.")

    deposit) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Withdraw')

    @lang("Here you can enable/disable the withdraw module. After disabling this module user can't withdraw money from your system.")

    withdraw) checked @endif>
  • @lang('FDR')

    @lang("Here you can enable/disable the FDR module. After disabling this module user can't FDR on your system.")

    fdr) checked @endif>
  • @lang('DPS')

    @lang("Here you can enable/disable the DPS module. After disabling this module user can't DPS on your system.")

    dps) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Loan')

    @lang("Here you can enable/disable the Loan module. After disabling this module user can't apply for Loan on your system.")

    loan) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Own Bank Transfer')

    @lang("Here you can enable/disable the Own Bank Transfer Module. After disabling this module user can't transfer money within ") {{ __($general->site_name) }} @lang('accounts.')

    own_bank) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Other Bank Transfer')

    @lang("Here you can enable/disable the Other Bank Transfer Module. After disabling this module user can't transfer money to other local banks").

    other_bank) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Wire Transfer')

    @lang('Here you can enable/disable the Wire Transfer Module. After enable this module user send money to ') @lang('any ohter Bank or Country')

    wire_transfer) checked @endif>
  • @lang('OTP Via Email')

    @lang('Control send OTP to the user via ') @lang('Email') @lang('from here.')

    otp_email) checked @endif>
  • @lang('OTP Via SMS')

    @lang('Control send OTP to the user via ') @lang('SMS') @lang('from here.')

    otp_sms) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Referral System')

    @lang('Here you can enable/disable the Referral module. After disabling this module Referral system can\'t work on your system.')

    referral_system) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Airtime')

    @lang('If you activate the airtime module, users have the ability to recharge their mobiles directly from their wallet.') @lang('You need to configure a third party API from') @lang('here')

    airtime) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Push Notification')

    @lang('If you enable this module, the system will send Push Notification to users where needed. Otherwise, no Push Notification will be sent.')

    pn) checked @endif>
  • @lang('Detect User Activity')

    @lang('If user is idle for a certain period of time, he/she will be logged out from the system.') @lang('You can change time from') @lang('here')

    detect_activity) checked @endif>
@can('admin.setting.system.configuration.submit') @endcan
@endsection @push('style') @endpush